[root@localhost ~]# sed [选项] [脚本命令] 文件名
该命令常用的选项及含义,如表 1 所示。选项 | 含义 |
-e 脚本命令 | 该选项会将其后跟的脚本命令添加到已有的命令中。 |
-f 脚本命令文件 | 该选项会将其后文件中的脚本命令添加到已有的命令中。 |
-n | 默认情况下,sed 会在所有的脚本指定执行完毕后,会自动输出处理后的内容,而该选项会屏蔽启动输出,需使用 print 命令来完成输出。 |
-i | 此选项会直接修改源文件,要慎用。 |
其中,address 表示指定要操作的具体行,pattern 指的是需要替换的内容,replacement 指的是要替换的新内容。关于指定具体操作行(address)的用法,这里先不做解释,文章后续会对其做详细介绍。
此命令中常用的 flags 标记如表 2 所示。flags 标记 | 功能 |
n | 1~512 之间的数字,表示指定要替换的字符串出现第几次时才进行替换,例如,一行中有 3 个 A,但用户只想替换第二个 A,这是就用到这个标记; |
g | 对数据中所有匹配到的内容进行替换,如果没有 g,则只会在第一次匹配成功时做替换操作。例如,一行数据中有 3 个 A,则只会替换第一个 A; |
p | 会打印与替换命令中指定的模式匹配的行。此标记通常与 -n 选项一起使用。 |
w file | 将缓冲区中的内容写到指定的 file 文件中; |
& | 用正则表达式匹配的内容进行替换; |
\n | 匹配第 n 个子串,该子串之前在 pattern 中用 \(\) 指定。 |
\ | 转义(转义替换部分包含:&、\ 等)。 |
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/test/trial/2' data4.txt
This is a test of the trial script.
This is the second test of the trial script.
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/test/trial/g' data4.txt
This is a trial of the trial script.
This is the second trial of the trial script.
[root@localhost ~]# cat data5.txt
This is a test line.
This is a different line.
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n 's/test/trial/p' data5.txt
This is a trial line.
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/test/trial/w test.txt' data5.txt
This is a trial line.
This is a different line.
[root@localhost ~]#cat test.txt
This is a trial line.
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/\/bin\/bash/\/bin\/csh/' /etc/passwd
如果需要删除文本中的特定行,可以用 d 脚本命令,它会删除指定行中的所有内容。但使用该命令时要特别小心,如果你忘记指定具体行的话,文件中的所有内容都会被删除,举个例子:
[root@localhost ~]# cat data1.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[root@localhost ~]# sed 'd' data1.txt
[root@localhost ~]# cat data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3d' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,3d' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]#sed '/1/,/3/d' data6.txt
#删除第 1~3 行的文本数据
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3,$d' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
[address]a(或 i)\新文本内容
下面分别就这 2 个命令,给读者举几个例子。比如说,将一个新行插入到数据流第三行前,执行命令如下:
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3i\
> This is an inserted line.' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is an inserted line.
This is line number 3.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3a\
> This is an appended line.' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is an appended line.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '1i\
> This is one line of new text.\
> This is another line of new text.' data6.txt
This is one line of new text.
This is another line of new text.
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3c\
> This is a changed line of text.' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is a changed line of text.
This is line number 4.
在这个例子中,sed 编辑器会修改第三行中的文本,其实,下面的写法也可以实现此目的:
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/number 3/c\
> This is a changed line of text.' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is a changed line of text.
This is line number 4.
转换命令会对 inchars 和 outchars 值进行一对一的映射,即 inchars 中的第一个字符会被转换为 outchars 中的第一个字符,第二个字符会被转换成 outchars 中的第二个字符...这个映射过程会一直持续到处理完指定字符。如果 inchars 和 outchars 的长度不同,则 sed 会产生一条错误消息。
[root@localhost ~]# sed 'y/123/789/' data8.txt
This is line number 7.
This is line number 8.
This is line number 9.
This is line number 4.
This is line number 7 again.
This is yet another line.
This is the last line in the file.
[root@localhost ~]# echo "This 1 is a test of 1 try." | sed 'y/123/456/'
This 4 is a test of 4 try.
p 命令常见的用法是打印包含匹配文本模式的行,例如:
[root@localhost ~]# cat data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/number 3/p' data6.txt
This is line number 3.
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/3/{
> p
> s/line/test/p
> }' data6.txt
This is line number 3.
This is test number 3.
[address]w filename
这里的 filename 表示文件名,可以使用相对路径或绝对路径,但不管是哪种,运行 sed 命令的用户都必须有文件的写权限。
[root@localhost ~]# sed '1,2w test.txt' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# cat test.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
[root@localhost ~]# cat data11.txt
Blum, R Browncoat
McGuiness, A Alliance
Bresnahan, C Browncoat
Harken, C Alliance
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/Browncoat/w Browncoats.txt' data11.txt
cat Browncoats.txt
Blum, R Browncoat
Bresnahan, C Browncoat
[address]r filename
sed 命令会将 filename 文件中的内容插入到 address 指定行的后面,比如说:
[root@localhost ~]# cat data12.txt
This is an added line.
This is the second added line.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3r data12.txt' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is an added line.
This is the second added line.
This is line number 4.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '$r data12.txt' data6.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is line number 4.
This is an added line.
This is the second added line.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2q' test.txt
This is line number 1.
This is line number 2.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/number 1/{ s/number 1/number 0/;q; }' test.txt
This is line number 0.
address {
[root@localhost ~]#sed '2s/dog/cat/' data1.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,3s/dog/cat/' data1.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,$s/dog/cat/' data1.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat
注意,必须用正斜线将要指定的 pattern 封起来,sed 会将该命令作用到包含指定文本模式的行上。
[root@localhost ~]# grep demo /etc/passwd
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/demo/s/bash/csh/' /etc/passwd
[root@localhost ~]# cat test.txt
<title>First Wed</title>
[root@localhost ~]# cat sed.sh
[root@localhost ~]# sed -f sed.sh test.txt