题库管理系统示例代码代码# 假设我们使用SQLite作为数据库系统 import sqlite3 # 创建或连接到数据库 conn = sqlite3.connect('python_exercises.db') cursor = conn.cursor() # 创建题库表 cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS exercises ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, question TEXT NOT NULL, difficulty TEXT NOT NULL, category TEXT NOT NULL, solution TEXT) ''') conn.commit() # 添加题目 def add_exercise(question, difficulty, category, solution): cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO exercises (question, difficulty, category, solution) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (question, difficulty, category, solution)) conn.commit() # 查询题目 def get_exercises(difficulty=None, category=None): sql = 'SELECT * FROM exercises' params = [] if difficulty and category: sql += ' WHERE difficulty = ? AND category = ? AND category = ?' params.extend([difficulty, category]) elif difficulty: sql += ' WHERE difficulty = ?' params.append(difficulty) elif category: sql += ' WHERE category = ?' params.append(category) cursor.execute(sql, params) return cursor.fetchall()练习交互式界面设计
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox # 创建窗口 root = tk.Tk() root.title('Python 刷题训练') # 题目显示区 question_label = tk.Label(root, text='', wraplength=300) question_label.pack(pady=20) # 解答输入区 answer_entry = tk.Entry(root) answer_entry.pack() # 提交按钮和逻辑 def submit_answer(): user_answer = answer_entry.get() # 假设我们把答案存储在solution变量中。 if user_answer.strip() == solution: messagebox.showinfo('Correct', 正确的答案!') else: messagebox.showinfo('Wrong', “回答错误,请再试一次!') submit_button = tk.Button(root, text=“提交答案”, command=submit_answer) submit_button.pack(pady=10) # 更新当前显示的主题 def update_question(): global solution # 假设get__exercises()一个问题可以随机抽取函数 exercise = get_exercises() question_label['text'] = exercise[1] # 题目内容 solution = exercise[4] # 题目答案 update_question() # 进入Tkinter事件循环循环 root.mainloop()进度跟踪和智能推荐算法
# 假定user_progress是一本字典,记录用户的练习进度。 user_progress = {} def track_progress(exercise_id, status): user_progress[exercise_id] = status def recommend_exercise(): # 根据用户的历史进度推荐练习(这里简化实现) # 假定我们推荐的问题是未完成或错误率高的问题。 recommended = [] for ex_id, status in user_progress.items(): if status != 'completed' or user_progress[ex_id] > 3: recommended.append(ex_id) return recommended if recommended else get_exercises()